Friday, October 2, 2009

Goodbye Sioux Falls

This morning we bid adieu to Sioux Falls.  Our week there did not work out as hoped, but we did get to see Nicole three times.  All three visits were supervised by her new Service Coordinator Jessica Bauers.  Yesterday, our third visit, was the first time we were "allowed" to take Nicole out  for lunch.  Of course the weather had been perfect all week until yesterday and it was cold and rainy.

Nicole's mother continues (11 years now) to be can I say this nicely...a problem.  But we are continuing our fight and will prevail in the end.

Wayne is sick.  He caught some sort of bug and is all stuffed up and has a sore throat. I drove today so he could rest.  He insisted on going on with our trip.  I said this morning that I thought we should head home, but he knows how I was looking forward to seeing Parke County Indiana, (covered bridges and amish communities) so he said he wanted to go on.

I did agree that after Parke County, we would take a U turn and head back west.  We are going back through Yellowstone again and before that, will finally see Mt. Rushmore.  I used to live there so I've seen it but Wayne has never seen it.

We drove to Des Moines Iowa today.  It poured rain and blew an icy frigid wind all day.  We stopped in almost the first place we spotted, a Holiday Express and Wayne has been asleep for a while now.  I hope he wakes up feeling better.

Onward and Upward.......we are trying.

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