Sunday, October 4, 2009

Parke County Here We Come

What is Parke County you ask?  Hmmm?  You didn't ask?  Well I'll tell you anyway.  Parke County boasts the most covered bridges in the country.  There are 31 covered bridges along with Amish Communities.  It is for that reason that I decided a while back that I would like to see it.

This morning we are in Peoria, Illinois and will be in Parke County in just a few hours.  Since we left Sioux Falls on Friday, we have had nothing but cloudy, rain, overcast, rain, heavy dark clouds, rain and well, you get the picture.

Friday night we spent in Des Moines, Iowa and I haven't felt a bone chilling icy cold wind like that in a long time.  The wind was about 20 mph and went clear through to your bones.  Just unloading the car was a challenge.

Yesterday we drove from Des Moines, Iowa to Peoria Illinois.  It was a short trip, only about 4 hours but Wayne is feeling so bad that he was ready for a rest.  He is being such a trooper.  While we were still in Sioux Falls, I said we should probably just turn around, head west, and get him home.  Knowing how I had been looking forward to seeing Parke County, he said he wanted to try it so on we came.

After we see Parke County today and tomorrow, we will head back west and go back through Yellowstone and on the way, stop to see Mt. Rushmore.  We never have made it there yet and Wayne hasn't seen it.

There haven't been any pictures or videos for a while because we haven't seen the sun for a while and haven't taken any pics.  Today will be different, we will get lots of pictures.  The weatherman on tv has assured me that today (Sunday) will be bright and sun shiny for our day in Parke County.

We will get packed up here and head out soon.

Thanks for following us and our love to all.
Wayne and Colleen